I've been getting a lot of questions lately about my school schedule. Which is pretty hard to try and explain. You see, the thing about my schedule here is, every day I have different classes. That means, Monday I can get homework that's not due until the next Monday. Not too bad, right? It just requires a whole lot more organization than I had at home. I can't stand by my locker at the end of the school day (if I had a locker) and run through each class I had, and remember if I had homework in each one or not. I have a planner like I did at home, but even then it's difficult to decide how to organize it. Do you write the homework down on the day you get it? Or on the day it's due? Or...??? What I've been doing is writing it down for the day before it's due. That way, every night I can look at my planner, see what's due the next day and see if I've done it or not. So far, it's been working pretty well. I haven't forgotten anything. Yet.
But I'm going to tell you about my schedule, not my homework woes. I'll give you a basic outline for every day first, and then I'll fill in the classes and details later.
I get up about 5:45, get ready, have breakfast, and leave the house at 6:48-ish for the bus stop. The bus comes at 6:53, or there's a later bus at 6:56 if I'm a bit slow eating or something. Usually I get to school after a 25 or so minute bus ride, so that's normally at 7:25. First hour starts at 7:45 and goes until 8:35. Five minute Pause (basically, a break where we can eat, drink, or go to the bathroom), then second hour is from 8:40 until 9:25. 15 minute Pause, and then third hour begins at 9:40 and runs until 10:25. Another five minute break, then fourth hour is 10:30 until 11:15. 15 minutes to rest, then 11:30 until 12:15 is fifth hour. Five minutes, then sixth hour is 12:20 to 1:05.
For lunch we have a full hour. I only have to stay after lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Wednesday and Friday I get to go home for lunch, because I don't have any classes in the afternoon. So... after lunch, we start again at 1:55 to 2:40 for seventh hour. Five minutes, eighth hour starts at 2:45. At 3:30 it's done, and then we have another fifteen minutes. Ninth hour begins at 3:45 and goes until 4:30, when we have another break. And finally, tenth hour starts at 4:35 and goes until 5:20. Of course, all the times are rough, as really class only begins when the teacher gets there, and sometimes we take breaks early... but as a general rule, that's it.
Most of my classes are Doppelstunden, which means that I have two hours of the same class right after each other. Monday: 1&2 hour, Physics; 3&4 free (I can't speak French or Latin, and that's what the class has then); 5&6 Religion; 7&8 Big Band (a club, really). Tuesday: 1 German; 2 English; 3&4 Politics and Business; 5&6 Informatik (Computer programming); 7&8 Erdkunde (geography and information about the world's countries). Wednesday: 1&2 Darstellendespiel (theater); 3&4 Math; 5&6 English. Thursday: I get to sleep in, because I decided not to take Art 1&2 hour, and 3&4 hour is French/Latin!! :) 5&6 History; 7&8 Biology; 9&10 German. Friday: 1&2 Chemistry; 3&4 Math; 5&6 PE.
Phew! That was a lot of numbers to type! Hope it makes sense to some of you. To the others, well... I guess that you'll just have to read what my classes are, and then just know that I'm working hard and learning a lot and still having a ton of fun!!!
But beyond that... I had my first Arbeit (test) today, and it was in English. We had to read a selection and then write a characterization about the person in it. So, I had it pretty easy. But since we had 1.5 hours to do it, I took the time to take notes, write an outline, and then to write my essay. I was so proud of myself for making an outline! I usually don't do that, I just sit down and start writing, and re-read it later to see if it's organized or not (usually it's not, but, hey.). And I still had a half an hour left at the end. So, I wrote a shorter version of my characerization in German, too. I turned that in as well, and Frau Schulz, my teacher, said that she would read it and correct my grammar for me. Which is good. Otherwise, how can I expect to ever get better at German? Tomorrow is the next Arbeit, and that's for German. We're going to have to analyze a text. I'm pretty nervous for it! I mean, the writing's not too bad, but first I've got to figure out what the selection says, then I'll have to think in my head what it means, and then I'll have to write that down on paper! I'm getting the feeling that tomorrow's gonna be a day when I don't use an outline! Cuz I'm definately going to be in a crunch for time.
It's been a bit rainy and cloudy lately. Okay, so just about every day in the past week it has rained or sprinkled. Not too bad though. Well, soccer practice on Tuesday was cancelled because it was raining and only 3 people showed up, but... I didn't want to have to train in the rain anyways. I guess that it's this rainy all fall, and winter is mostly rainy, too. Because it doesn't get cold enough usually for it to become snow. So, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas", and I know that I'll see it "If only in my dreams". But why am I quoting Christmas songs? It's only October! (Although there are already Christmas cookies in the stores here) But if I'm writing about Christmas, I think it's time to stop.
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