Thursday, August 4, 2011

Well, how am I going to fill my downtime?

A bench along the path, overlooking Kammlach
    There's a minor problem that I'm facing.  That is, while I'm here (at the temporary family), there's not really anything for me to do in my freetime.  When I'm at my year-long family, I'm going to play soccer, or at least get involved with something.  But here...  I can't get involved with a soccer team here because I'm leaving in 4 weeks, and no team would take a player for such a short time.  So, that leaves me with a lot of time that is empty for me.  And I'm not the type to want to sit around, doing nothing, so...
     One thing I've done is ask to ride a bike every now and then, and then I just head out and ride.  There's a little loop that I usually do.  It goes through the village for a little while, then goes through the countryside for a while, followed by a beautiful ride through the woods.  And then, right in the middle of the woods, there's a little pond.  It's sooooooo pretty, because it has a bit of green meadow around it, and then is framed by tall pine trees.  The path is really hilly, and sometimes a bit muddy, but that's fine by me.  It makes it more of a workout, and that way I don't feel bad about opting for a bike ride instead of running.
    I mean, who wouldn't love a view like this?  And the thought that it's only about a mile away from where I'm living....  It just makes me so happy, that God put me in such an area so I can enjoy his wonderful creation!  Even if it's only for 4 weeks (two weeks more!), I'm enjoying this while I have it.

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